From chopping logs and smoking meat to preparing packages and coordinating donations, the W&A Engineering and Donald W. Hansford Law teams came together in Harris Shoals Park last Friday for our 23rd annual community barbeque.
Started as a way to give thanks to our clients and community partners, this annual celebration of our growth and efforts to build better communities gave us the opportunity to donate 451 pounds of barbeque to four incredible nonprofits in the Athens-Clarke County area.
All in all, we were able to provide meals for 138 homeless families served by Area Churches Together Serving (ACTS), 25 families housed by Athens Area Homeless Shelter, 62 households served by Athens Community Council on Aging, and 480 individuals served by Athens Alliance Coalition Inc.
With team members from all over the state joining us to make this 23rd annual barbeque happen, we couldn’t be more grateful for the continued opportunity to serve these community-enriching organizations, as well as all of the communities we’ve touched since 1999.